Beautiful and very tender sex, without fuss and unnecessary hurry, it is obvious that the man is sure that this lady got him not for the first time and not for the last. This is how couples who have been married for more than a year can fuck, the first passion is over, and all that is left is the calm certainty that good sex is guaranteed!
$400 is cool! Even prostitutes make less. So the girl didn't miss out. And her boyfriend was good. He'd make a good businessman. Because they usually share chicks for free with their friends. But the important thing was that the project would work now. Although I would go on with the business. I could get the bitch to do other people's business. There's a demand.
Girls like to be slim and take care of the figure. Then they get picked by guys with big phalluses and give them a cheek bump. They even enlarge their lips to make their mouth look more like a pussy. And guys get turned on by sticking their dick in those plump lips. The more and deeper the girls take in their mouths, the more they are appreciated. The black dick in the blonde's mouth looks especially cool. Aesthetically spectacular! That's why white girls sucking negroes is beautiful and spectacular!